
'Millenial Workout Mix | With Katie Kasten from On Beat Fitness'

'Millenial Workout Mix | With Katie Kasten from On Beat Fitness'

'Get ready to crush it with this sculpting workout with Katie Kasten from On Beat Fitness! You\'re going to get in some awesome HIIT while listening to your favorite tunes from the 2000\'s!   Follow On Beat Fitness: https://www.instagram.com/onbeatfit/  Follow Us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BOSU.Official/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bosu_fitness/  Twitter: https://twitter.com/bosufitness  #MilenialMix #bosu #bosuballworkout' 

Tags: cardio workout , dance workout , hiit workout , at home workouts , sculpting workout , bosu workout , bosu exercises , how to workout at home , bosu ball workout , on beat fitness , bosu balance trainer workout , Katie kasten , building a home gym , workout to hit music , bosu cardio workout , milenial workout mix , millennial workout , milenial music , millennial mix , bosu sculpting workout , bosu hit workout , bosu balance trainer exercises , workouts for millennials , at home bosu workouts

SEE ALSO: funny , nut , News , Endurance , weight , barre workout , NJ , exercises to lose belly fat , Dance , john deere

Mar 19, 2022
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